Fee Details:
Brewing Lab Fees
The testing, analysis, and making of beer. The following services are charged on a per sample basis: Alpha acid and iso-alpha acid via HPLC ($150), Bitterness Units ($50), moisture ($40), spectrophotometric analysis ($40), Density ($35), titratable acidity pH ($40), foam ($90), hop oil composition ($175), hop acids HPLC ($55), hop acids UV ($45), hop chemistry bundle ($300), hop oil distillation ($55), hop aromatic profile in beer via GC MS ($400), beer alcohol via Anton Paar Alcolyzer ($35), diacetyl via GC ($100), brewhouse usage with technician support ($2,500), one hour of professor time ($272), one hour of pilot plant manager time ($123), one hour graduate assistant time ($72), and one hour student time ($19).
- Unit:
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Department:
Food Science and Technology
- Category:
Brewing Lab Analysis
- Internal:
- External:
- Banner Index:
- Fund:
- Org:
- Program:
- Activity:
- Amount:
$19.00 - $2,500.00/sample
- Submitted By:
Jessica Jiang
- Requester:
Tom Shellhammer
- Updated:
- Banner Index Title:
AGD - Brewing Analysis
- Fund Title:
AGD - Brewing Analysis
- Org Title:
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper
- Program Title:
Other Public Services/Testing
- Activity Title: