External Fees

External Fees represent cash transactions for goods and services provided by units within OSU to non-OSU businesses, organizations, and individuals. These fees are subject to an annual public review process. It is University policy, as well as sound fiscal policy, that External Fees fully recover the costs (including administrative) associated with providing the goods or services.



Benthic Biogeochemistry Lab

16467: Salinity Determination On Natural Waters 
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Determination of total salinity via conductivity ratio on salinometer
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$7.50/Sample 7/11/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP22 OAS - Benthic Biogeochemistry Lab George Waldbusser

Chemical Analysis Lab

The Chemical Analysis Lab provides shore-based chemical analyses of plant nutrients and/or dissolved oxygen in seawater, nutrients using automated muli-channel analysis systems and dissolved oxygen by computer controlled amperometric titration of whole flask samples.

3149: Analysis for Nutrients in Open Ocean seawater 
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Analytical charges for nutrients in open-ocean seawater samples range from $15.00 (1 - 3 analyses) to $20.00 (4 - 5 analyses) per sample; depending on the number of nutrients to be determined and the amount of sample handling required. Samples requiring dilution will be charged at the higher rate.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$15.00 - $20.00/sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP12 OAS - Chemical Analysis

3151: Technician Labor 
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This fee is for one hour of technician labor. Any other additional materials and/or travel will be charged at cost.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$99.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP12 OAS - Chemical Analysis Dale Hubbard

9121: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Determinates/Seawater 
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For larger volume samples (ca 200 mL), TCO2 and/or pCO2 determinations using a Li-Cor model LI-6262 CO2 analyzer can be performed. Both analyses can be performed sequentially. Salinity must be known to calculate the carbon system parameters. If the salinity of samples is not known, it can be measured in the laboratory for an additional $3.00.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$36.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP12 OAS - Chemical Analysis

9219: Dissolved oxygen in seawater samples 
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Dissolved oxygen in seawater samples is determined by automated Carpenter-Winkler titration. For small numbers of samples (<20), a base fee of 20 samples may apply for setup and testing of the titrator. By prior arrangement, the laboratory can supply pre-calibrated flasks for use in sampling dissolved oxygen and training in the sampling technique. There is no charge for the use of the flasks, but broken flasks must be replaced.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$41.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP12 OAS - Chemical Analysis Dale Hubbard

9220: Additional services 
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Additional services include logistic support for nutrient analyses at sea and equipment optimization for seawater nutrient analysis. We can purchase (and rebill) expendable supplies for nutrient analyzers including the Technicon AutoAnalyzer and Alpkem RFA. Equipment and supplies charged at cost plus overhead. We can assist with data processing using in-house or client-provided software.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$95.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP12 OAS - Chemical Analysis Dale Hubbard

16317: Liquid DIC Standard Preparation 
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Make precise 5L aqueous standard solutions of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$113.00/Standard 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP12 OAS - Chemical Analysis

Coring Services

11044: Coring Services- Technician 
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Per technician hourly rate. Coring services might require more than one technician. Fee relates to: 4 inch Gravity Corer, Benthos Gravity Corer, MC-400 Multicorer, 6 inch Kasten Corer and MC-800 Multicorer.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$91.00/Hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

10979: 4" Gravity Corer Use 
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Covers expendable materials per core use. Does not include tech time. See 'Coring Services-Technician' for rates. Shipping charges additional when applicable. The actual cost for insurance of equipment will be included when customer does not have their own insurance (applicable to external customers only).
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$163.00/use + Tech Time 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

11047: 6" Kasten Corer Use 
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Covers expendable materials per core use. Does not include tech time. See 'Coring Services-Technician' for rates. Shipping charges additional when applicable. The actual cost for insurance of equipment will be included when customer does not have their own insurance (applicable to external customers only).
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$378.00/use + Tech Time 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

10980: Benthos Gravity Corer Use 
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Covers expendable materials per core use. Does not include tech time. See 'Coring Services-Technician' for rates. Shipping charges additional when applicable. The actual cost for insurance of equipment will be included when customer does not have their own insurance (applicable to external customers only).
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$149.00/use + Tech Time 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

9660: Core Splitter on Research cruises 
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The actual cost for insurance of equipment will be included when customer does not have their own insurance (applicable to external customers only).
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$300.00/cruise 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

11031: MC-400 Multicorer Use 
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Covers expendable materials per core use. Does not include tech time. See 'Coring Services-Technician' for rates. Shipping charges additional when applicable. The actual cost for insurance of equipment will be included when customer does not have their own insurance (applicable to external customers only).
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$160.00/use + Tech Time 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

11057: Multicorer Extruder 
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Covers per use of corer extruder. Does not include tech time. See 'Coring Services-Technician' for rates. Shipping charges additional when applicable. The actual cost for insurance of equipment will be included when customer does not have their own insurance (applicable to external customers only).
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$500.00/Use 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

9662: Refer Van Rental 
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Rental of refrigerated van.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$1,500.00/cruise 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

10661: Multisensor Core Logger Van Rental 
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20 foot lab van. Does not include tech time for training / operation. See "Coring Services - Technician" for rates. Shipping charges additional when applicable. The actual cost for insurance of equipment will be included when customer does not have their own insurance (applicable to external customers only).
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$5,033.00/Month 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

15009: Shipboard Technician Services 
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Provides technical and physical assistance aboard ship, during cruise preparations, loading and unloading equipment, etc.. Fee covers salary, OPE, and overhead costs. Additional charge for sea pay @ $87.50 day. Expenses for travel and incidentals will incur additional charges when applicable.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$331.00 - $469.00/day 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

15758: MC-800 Multicorer Use 
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Covers expendable materials per corer use. Does not include tech time. See "Coring Services - Technician" for rates. Shipping charges additional when applicable. The actual cost for insurance for equipment will be included when the customer does not have their own insurance (applicable to external customers).
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$240.00/Use 4/14/2023 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCSS

Gas Tracer Lab

15011: Dissolved Gas Extraction / Analysis 
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Per sample fee includes gas separation and purification as well as isotope ratio analysis. Includes expendables, Tech time and maintenance.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$90.50/sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP18 OAS - Gas Tracer Lab

Ice Core Laboratory

16051: Ice Core Methane Analysis 
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Measure methane concentration in trapped air within ice cores.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$84.00/sample 4/17/2023 Cristhian Lopez OASP16 OAS - Ice Core Laboratory

Microprobe Lab

Provides Sample imaging and analysis

Fees cover expenses incurred, including salaries/OPE, instrument maintenance, and expendable supplies.

3056: Microprobe Lab 
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machine set-up and training for client to set-up their own analysis file. not to exceed $700 per day.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$70.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP02 OAS - Microprobe Lab

9664: Microprobe Lab - Unassisted 
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If the client does not accompany the samples and wants us to prepare the machine, pick analysis points and do the analysis
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$100.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP02 OAS - Microprobe Lab

4590: Sample Preparation 
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Sample polishing and mounting in epoxy
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$40.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP02 OAS - Microprobe Lab

4596: Industrial Users 
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Expedited or Hot Jobs
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$400.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP02 OAS - Microprobe Lab

9665: Contract Investigations 
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designed to include jobs from outside corporations that require problem solving on the part of the Probe Lab staff and machine analyses
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$200.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP02 OAS - Microprobe Lab

National Geoelectromagnetic Facility

The National Geoelectromagnetic Facility provides modeling of electromagnetic fields related to geophysical phenomenon, geophysical laboratory services including instrument calibration and electrode construction, and geophysical data acquisition services.

10739: Technical Services 
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Technical services that include, but are not limited to: instrument calibration preparation, method development, data processing, supplies and travel.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$200.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP14 OAS - Geoelectromagnetic Lab

10740: Geoelectromagnetic field modeling 
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Model parameterization, discretization, required software modification, use of paracuda parallel computing facility with up to 3,000 parallel processor cores devoted to modeling task.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$225.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP14 OAS - Geoelectromagnetic Lab

10741: Electrode construction 
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Use of electrode fabrication/wet lab facility and access to technical staff for electrode fabrication
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$185.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP14 OAS - Geoelectromagnetic Lab

10742: Geophysical field data acquisition 
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Technical services that include, but are not limited to: siting/permitting and/or installation/operation of OSU provided geoelectromagnetic equipment at field sites
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$1,000.00/instr deployment plus $165/day use + tech time 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP14 OAS - Geoelectromagnetic Lab

11420: Ocean Bottom EM/Multiphysics/Seismic Inst Deployment 
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Technical services that include: preparation of instruments for deployment and recovery, and transcription data. Actual costs of drop weight and consumables will be charged when applicable.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$2,500.00/staging cost + $250/day + tech time 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP14 OAS - Geoelectromagnetic Lab

11481: Geophysical Field Data Acquisition- IFR 
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Interferometric Radar instrument deployment. Technical services that include, but are not limited to: siting/permitting and/or installation/operation of OSU provided interferometric radar.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$605.00/inst deployment + tech time 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP14 OAS - Geoelectromagnetic Lab

15526: Long-Period Magnetotelluric Instrumentation Lease 
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Use of Long-Period Magnetotelluric Instrumentation, typically for field deployment. Instrument configurations include Narod NIMS magnetotelluric receiver/data acquisition system equipped with triaxial ring-core fluxgate magnetometer and GPS timing receiver. Available at no extra cost:Two sets of matched pairs of non-polarizing geophysical electrodes, laptop computer with software to set up instrument and assess data quality in the field. The leasing party is responsible for providing 12V external batteries, hookup wire for the electrodes to form two sets of horizontal electric field dipole sensors, and hand tools for digging and trenching, as required. OSU Lease Agreement Required. Leasing party will be responsible for insuring the leased equipment, per the terms of the Lease Agreement, and for covering shipment costs to/from OSU. Amount: $1,000/instrument for staging / prep plus $500/instrument per month with a one month minimum charge
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$1,000.00/Instrument 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP14 OAS - Geoelectromagnetic Lab Adam Schultz

15527: Wideband Magnetotelluric Instrumentation Lease 
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Use of Wideband Magnetotelluric Instrumentation, typically for field deployment. Instrument configurations include Zonge ZEN or other magnetotelluric receiver/data acquisition system equipped with up to three induction coil magnetic field sensors (typically Zonge ANT4, ANT6, or ANT7 coils, depending on requirements) and GPS timing receiver. Available at no extra cost: two sets of matched pairs of non-polarizing geophysical electrodes, laptop computer with software to set up instrument and assess data quality in the field. The leasing party is responsible for providing 12V external batteries, hookup wire for the electrodes to form two sets of horizontal electric field dipole sensors, and hand tools for digging and trenching, as required. OSU Lease Agreement Required. Leasing party will be responsible for insuring the leased equipment, per the terms of the Lease Agreement, and for covering shipment costs to/from OSU. Amount: $1000/receiver and $100/induction coil for staging/prep plus $500/receiver/month and $250/induction coil/month with a one month minimum charge.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$1,100.00/Receiver&Coil 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP14 OAS - Geoelectromagnetic Lab Adam Schultz

Ocean Services

Provides common-use instruments, tools, sample analysis and repository.

9659: Waters HPLC phytoplankton pigment analysis 
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High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) phytoplankton pigment analysis with a Waters photodiode array (Latasa et al. 1996 method). Per sample fees cover cost of analysis, including labor, OPE, all expendable supplies and maintenance.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$85.00/sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OELM Cristhian Lopez

9691: Bacterioplankton/bacterial cultures analysis 
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Flow Cytometer 10 sample Minimum.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$19.00/sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services

9692: Phytoplankton/algal cultures analysis 
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with a Becton-Dickinson FACSCaliber flow cytometer. 10 sample minimum.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$19.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OFLO

9693: Both Bacteria and Phytoplankton analysis 
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with a Becton-Dickinson FACSCaliber flow cytometer. 10 sample minimum.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$38.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OFLO

9694: Other Particle / Virus Analysis 
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with a Becton-Dickinson FACSCaliber flow cytometer. 10 sample minimum.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$37.00/sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OFLO

9695: Sorting of Particles 
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with a Becton-Dickinson FACSCaliber flow cytometer.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$76.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OFLO

9698: Marine Geology Services- Technician 
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Analytical instrumentation and technical services are available to internal and external users. Rates vary by instrument and technical assistance required. Fees cover expenses incurred, including salaries/OPE, instrument maintenance, communications, expendable supplies and overhead costs. Technical assistance @ $70/hr and supplies invoiced at cost.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$70.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services

9701: Equipment Preparation 
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Technical services providing assistance with equipment preparation, sampling and field work. Supplies and travel are invoiced at cost.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$69.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services

10976: Plankton Analysis by Inverted Microscopy 
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Abundance, biomass and general community and size composition of heterotrophic protists and phytoplankton larger than 15 microns are determined via inverted microscopy after settling of appropriate volumes of preserved sample provided by the user. Per sample fee covers cost of analysis, expendable supplies and maintenance. Shipping and handling charges will be added at cost.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$384.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OPAN

14188: Analysis of mineral surface area 
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Mineral surface area analysis (SA) of solid materials including sediments and soils by the BET technique. Prior to analysis, materials are combusted to remove organic matter and dried under vacuum to remove excess water. Weighing and packaging of samples can be done by the user or, for additional per sample cost, by the technician overseeing the instrument.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$48.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCNA

14200: Carbon and Nitrogen Elemental Analysis (C/N) 
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Carbon and nitrogen elemental analysis (C/N) of solid materials including sediments and suspended particles captured on filters by high temperature combustion. If necessary, acidified samples are compared with un-acidified samples to differentiate inorganic and organic carbon. Weighing and packaging of samples can be done either by the user or, for additional per sample cost, by the technician overseeing the instrument.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$14.50/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCNA

14201: Analysis of CuO reaction products by GC-MS 
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CuO oxidation analysis of solid materials including sediments and soils by microwave assisted hydrolysis and gas chromatography-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analysis of resulting extracts. Analysis includes hydrolysis, extraction, centrifugation, standard preparation and instrument maintenance. Data workup can be done either by the user or, for additional per sample cost, by technician overseeing the instrument.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$248.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCNA

14220: Anaysis of lipids by extraction and GC-MS 
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Lipid analysis of solid materials including sediments and soils by microwave assisted hydrolysis and gas chromatography-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analysis of resulting extracts. Analysis includes extraction, centrifugation, standard preparation and instrument maintenance. Data workup can be done either by the user or, for additional per sample cost, by technician overseeing the instrument.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$280.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCNA

14259: Machine Shop - Technician 
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Provides technician for engineering and manufacturing of prototype equipment. Provides access to common-use tools. Project-specific materials and supplies will be billed at cost.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$100.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OAS066 OAS - COAS Machine Shop

14322: CN Analysis With Sample Prep 
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Elemental analysis of organic carbon and nitrogen with additional sample preparation.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$16.00/sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCNA

14403: Fluorometric Chlorophyll Analysis 
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Fluorometric Chlorophyll Analysis on a Turner 10-AU Fluorometer using either acidification or non-acidification method, dependent on preference. 20 sample minimum. Shipping of samples will incur additional charges @ cost.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$12.00/sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OFLO

15779: Process Phytoplankton & Microzooplankton Samples on IFCB 
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Process Phytoplankton & Microzooplankton Samples on IFCB.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$41.00/Sample 4/14/2023 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OFLO

16195: Device Pressure Test 
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Provides technician for pressure test of sealed housing or other deployment device using pressure test facility.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$600.00/Test 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OAS066 OAS - COAS Machine Shop

16218: Heat Flow Probe Day Rate 
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Daily rate for at-sea deployment of heat flow probe, with technician. Technician travel and shipping are billed at actual cost. NOTE: This fee is charged in addition to the base deployment fee.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$876.00/Day 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services

16221: Heat Flow Probe Deployment Rate 
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Per deployment rate. To be charged in addition to established day rate. Recovers pre/post deployment costs of management, logistics, training, maintenance, repair, and testing regardless of deployment duration.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$29,063.00/Deployment 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services

OSU Marine Geology Repository

The OSU Marine Geology Repository houses a number of specialized instruments for interpretation of geologic records.

11054: Marine Geology Repository- Tech Time 
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Rates for training, set-up, data processing and database entry. Higher rate for customers requiring a Computed Tomography Scan.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$93.00 - $161.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCOR

11055: Split-Core Track 
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Covers day use of the split-core track with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply. See 'Marine Geology Repository- Tech Time' for additional services and rates.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$86.00/Day 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCOR

11056: Whole-Core Track 
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Covers day use of the whole-core track with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply. See 'Marine Geology Repository- Tech Time' for additional services and rates.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$91.00/Day 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCOR

14824: Use fee for Marine Geology Repository Core Saw 
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Use fee for Marine Geology Repository Core Saw
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$17.00/Day 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services

14430: XRF Scanner Use 
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Covers hourly use of the XRF Scanner with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply. See "Marine Geology Repository Tech Time" for additional services and rates.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$33.00/Hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCOR

14825: Use Fee for Marine Geology Repository Freeze Dryer 
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Use Fee for Marine Geology Repository Freeze Dryer
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$12.00/Day 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services

15008: Use Fee for Marine Geology Repository Particle Size Analyzer 
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Use fee for Marine Geology Repository Particle Size Analyzer. Training to use the instrument will be added and charged at the Tech Time hourly rate - see "Marine Geology Repository - Tech Time" for rates.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$55.00/day 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services

15755: Magnetometer Use 
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Daily use of 2G magnetometer for magnetic analyses of sediment and rock samples. Training and set-up costs may apply. See "Marine Geology Repository Tech Time" for additional services and rates.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$194.00/Day 6/12/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCOR Cara Fritz

16460: XYZ Multi-core Track 
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Covers day use of the multi-core track with technical oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply. See "Marine Geology Repository Tech Time" for additional services and rates.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$86.00/Day 5/10/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP01 OAS - Ocean Services OCOR Cara Fritz

Paleo and Environmental Magnetism Laboratory

10918: Samples run by lab personnel 
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In addition to provided training, the technician will run lab samples for users if requested.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$25.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP15 OAS - Paleo & Enviro Magnetism Lab

10919: Technical service for data processing and report 
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Additional data processing and reporting services provided by lab technician or other lab personnel.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$50.00/hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP15 OAS - Paleo & Enviro Magnetism Lab

11030: Paleo & Environmental Magnetism Lab usage 
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Daily use of the Paleo and Environmental Magnetism Laboratory for magnetic analyses of sediment and rock samples, data processing and technical report service. The lab houses many specialized instruments including a state-of-the-art 2G Enterprises 3-axis superconducting rock magnetometer that is coupled with a computer controlled tracking and alternating field demagnetization system.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$250.00/daily use 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP15 OAS - Paleo & Enviro Magnetism Lab

Radioisotope Dating Laboratory

16284: Full sample prep service & Gamma Detector Analysis 
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$110/Sample - Full sample prep and gamma detector; $100/Sample if pre-loaded/weighted into containers
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$100.00 - $110.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP19 OAS - Radioisotope Dating Lab Maureen Walczak

16397: Full sample prep radiocarbon 
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Preparation of sample radiocarbon which includes: self prep service $54/sample, samples requiring labor will be charged at $124/sample, and samples requiring further analysis at ANU will be charged $232/sample
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$54.00 - $232.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP19 OAS - Radioisotope Dating Lab Maureen Walczak

Radiometric Ages

Provides radiometric age determinations for geologic materials (volcanic rocks and minerals) in support of academic and industrial research projects.

Fees collected cover expenses incurred, including salaries/OPE, instrument maintenance, communications, and expendable supplies.

9535: 666640Ar-39Ar Incremental Heating or Total Fusion Age Determination: Single Step 
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Price per extra incremental heating step or single crystal total fusion, if more are required than the nominal 30 incremental heating steps or total fusions.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$30.00/heating step 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

9570: Special Mineral Separation Fee 
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Special mineral separation and sample preparation that goes beyond the standard procedures established in the OSU Argon Geochronology Laboratory.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$75.00/Hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

14198: 40Ar-39Ar Incremental Heating Age Determination using Argus VI: Academic Standard Procedure 
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30 incremental heating steps or single crystal total fusions using the Thermo Scientific Model ARGUS VI multi-collector mass spectrometer. Costs include up to 15 blanks; irradiation; flux monitor measurements; air short calibrations; other standard measurements; minimal data report; full mineral separation protocol and acid leaching cleaning procedures.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$1,300.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

14199: 40Ar-39Ar Incremental Heating Age Determination using Argus VI: Academic Reduced Mineral Separation Procedure or Collaboration 
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30 incremental heating steps or single crystal total fusions using the Thermo Scientific Model ARGUS VI multi-collector mass spectrometer. Costs include up to 15 blanks; irradiation; flux monitor measurements; air short calibrations; other standard measurements; minimal data report; reduced mineral separation protocol including only QA/QC and final cleanup of the sample materials; alternatively this analyses is part of a collaborative research project.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$1,000.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

14216: 40Ar-39Ar Incremental Heating Age Determination using Argus VI: Academic No Mineral Separation Procedure 
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30 incremental heating steps or single crystal total fusions using the Thermo Scientific Model ARGUS VI multi-collector mass spectrometer. Costs include up to 15 blanks; irradiation; flux monitor measurements; air short calibrations; other standard measurements; minimal data report; no mineral separation services required.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$750.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

14221: 40Ar-39Ar Incremental Heating Age Determination using Argus VI: Expedited Industrial Standard Procedure 
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30 incremental heating steps or single crystal total fusions using the Thermo Scientific Model ARGUS VI multi-collector mass spectrometer. Costs include up to 15 blanks; irradiation; flux monitor measurements; air short calibrations; other standard measurements; minimal data report; full mineral separation protocol and acid leaching cleaning procedures.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$2,500.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

14222: Special Software Instructions and Development 
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Assistance provided to clients for the instruction of using the ArArCALC data reduction and ArArSUITE data acquisition software and the development of special/new features upon request.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$130.00/Hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

15104: 40Ar-39Ar Incremental Heating Age Determination using Argus VI: Expedited Industrial Rush Procedure 
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30 incremental heating steps or single crystal total fusions using the Thermo Scientific Model ARGUS VI multi-collector mass spectrometer. Costs include up to 15 blanks; irradiation; flux monitor measurements; air short calibrations; other standard measurements; minimal data report; full mineral separation protocol and acid leaching cleaning procedures.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$3,500.00/sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

15424: Technical Report Writing Fee 
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Time involved in the writing of a complete geochronological and/or petrological and geochemical report.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$75.00/Hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

15553: 40Ar-39Ar Incremental Heating Age Determination using Argus VI: Single Crystal Incremental Heating 
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12 incremental heating steps for in total 5 single crystals from one sample using the Thermo Scientific Model ARGUS VI multi-collector mass spectrometer. Costs include up to 6 blanks per single crystal incremental heating experiment; irradiation; flux monitor measurements; air short calibrations; other standard measurements; minimal data report; full mineral separation protocol and acid leaching cleaning procedures.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$2,500.00/Sample 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP10 OAS - Radiometric Ages Anthony Koppers

Thetis Profiler Service Center

16071: Thetis Profiler Service 
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Provide technician to repair and service Sea-Bird Scientific Thetis Profiler per agreement with Sea-Bird Scientific. Purchases of parts, supplies and any other materials needed for the work will be charged at cost. Expenses for travel and incidentals will be charged at cost.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$81.00/Hour 4/15/2024 Cristhian Lopez OAS074 OAS - Thetis Profiler Service Ctr

Trace Metals Laboratory

16370: Faculty assistance in sample prep & analysis 
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Hourly rate to cover faculty assistance with sample preparation analysis
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$200.00/Hour 7/11/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP20 OAS - Trace Metals Laboratory Alyssa Shiel

16371: Lead isotope analysis (per sample) 
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Analytical charges for lead (Pb) isotope measurements range from $202 to $268 per sample depending on the sample preparation and data handling required. The per sample cost for a particular job may include sample preparation, specialty reagents and materials, customized instrument set up, MC-ICP-MS time, data processing, data interpretation, and report writing. Sample dissolution and Pb concentration measurements are not included. Samples requiring additional sample preparation, analytical time and setup, and/or data processing and interpretation will be billed at the higher rate.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$202.00 - $268.00/Sample 7/11/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP20 OAS - Trace Metals Laboratory Alyssa Shiel

16388: Trace Element analysis 
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"Analytical charges for trace elements in geological, environmental, and biological samples range from $133 to $233 per sample; depending on the number of trace elements to be measured and the amount of sample preparation required. The per sample cost for a particular job may include sample preparation, specialty reagents and materials, method development, customized instrument set up, ICP-MS time, data processing, data interpretation, and report writing. Samples requiring additional sample preparation (e.g., grinding and drying) and additional analytical time will be billed at the higher rate. "
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$133.00 - $233.00/Sample 6/7/2024 Cristhian Lopez OASP20 OAS - Trace Metals Laboratory Alyssa Shiel

16396: Technician assistance in sample prep & analysis 
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Hourly rate to cover technician assistance with sample preparation and analysis.
Amount Updated Submitted By Banner Index Banner Index Title Activity Code Requester
$75.00/Hour 4/8/2024 Nichole Havranek OASP20 OAS - Trace Metals Laboratory Meaghan Deitz
Oregon State University
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