OSU Fees Online


Oregon State University may engage in the direct sale of goods and services to individuals, groups, or external customers for fees only when those services or goods are directly and substantially related to the mission of the University which includes teaching, research, and public service.

The consolidated institutional fee process includes:
  • External fees – charged to external (non-OSU) entities for goods or services in exchange for cash receipts.
  • Internal fees – charged via journal voucher to OSU departments for goods or services. May include grants or contracts.
  • Course fees – assessed to students for specific, tangible goods or services received in conjunction with taking a specific class.

Use the navigation links on the left to view and/or search each of these fee types. This site is also designed to help units create and/or submit online proposals which add new fees or review, change, or drop existing fees (note: course fees need to be “dropped” by the system administrator). Only an authorized user or originator may access the secure portion of the system.

To obtain originator access, you must first pass the Originator Security Test. Register for the test through Professional Development. Once logged into the Professional Development site, locate and select the OSU Fees Online Test under the filter of Controller’s Office – OSU Professional Development. You will receive instructions on accessing the test once registration is complete.

Additional information about University Fees or using the OSU Fees Online website can be found through the Fee Criteria link on the left. Proposal training for internal and external fees can be found at https://media.oregonstate.edu/media/t/1_3rherkn8.

For further help, contact the Financial Services Manager within your Financial Strategic Services Team or Billing & Receivables Services for internal-external fees [Toni Cleland at toni.cleland@oregonstate.edu] or the Office of Budget and Resource Planning for course fees [Cameron Cox at budgets@oregonstate.edu].

Oregon State University
Office of the Controller-Financial Accounting & Analysis
100 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR 97331
Copyright © Oregon State University, 2011